Monday, December 19, 2011

Swollen heads, prima donnas, and the ego of the comic book creator

In my many years if trying to make a name for myself in the comic book industry, I have come across a lot of great people. I've met superstar creators that sell hundreds of thousands of books, and I've met indy artists and writers that still print their books at Officemax. From small press to the big two, I found that the overwhelming majority of these good people shared one integral character trait: Humility.

They didn't try to dazzle you with rehearsed charisma. They didn't claim their project, script, or art was the best thing ever. And they sure as hell never bashed other creators work, even if it was from creator with less experience, and ESPECIALLY if it was from someone who has has encountered far more success than themselves.

I read a quote yesterday about artists, and it most certainly pertains to writers as well. "Very few artists look at their work and think it's awsome, and if they do, they're usually wrong." This couldn't possibly be more spot on. Fucking bullseye. There's nothing wrong with taking pride in your work. If you don't, what's the point? But when one's ego is so large, so unaccepting of constructive criticism or input from peers and colleagues, you make the mistake of thinking your shit doesn't stink. Every artist has room to improve. Every artist, no matter the medium, should strive to constantly be getting better at their craft. If you close yourself off from creative input from others, then you are in a sense saying, "I'm better than everyone else, and I don't need to change anything." And if that's the case, you might as well hang up your pen and get a job somewhere other than the creative field.
At the end of the day, us comic book creators are a very lucky gaggle of nerds. We took our love of comics we fostered as kids, and turned it into a way to support ourselves. It's basically playing make believe on a much larger scale. It's also something to be increbly thankful for. So even if there is a writer, artist, or publisher you're not really digging, don't go ripping on their work in public. No matter the quality of the work, they are still a vital cog in the machine that keeps people dropping their ever so harder to earn dollar in your local comic shop. This brings the first post of 2012 to an end. Let's all make this year a productive and prosperous year. Go out and buy some comics. Write some comics. Draw some comics. If you come across something that really isn't up your alley, just don't buy it. It's that easy.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Jinger Bears, Jinger Bears...

The holiday season has descended upon us with the fury of one thousand wombats fueled by Red Bull and anxiety once again. Where a family will spend 42 percent of it's earnings on mostly useless, poorly fashioned, designer merchandise, just to tell the recipients, "I think you're awesome enough to eff up my credit for." Don't get me wrong, I love the holidays. It's one of the few times a year I get to see my parents, brothers, sister-in-laws, and now nephews and neice, all in one place, at the same time. What people should REALLY be concerned with this time of year. NOT wether they can get 30 bucks off the latest Toshihoshi high def TV, or if they nead to assault a 90 old woman in order to secure the last Foot Fetish Elmo. At the end if the day, do you REALLY think that electronics manufacturer or toy company really care if you have a joyous holiday season? Nope. They couldn't care less if you used that flatscreen as a changing table, just as long as your greenbacks make it into their profit column in their 4th quarter wrap up meeting. My suggestion is this. Instead of buying Mom that fancy smartphone that she probably doesn't know how to use anyway, make her dinner. She'll probably treasure that gift for the rest of her life. Way more than a platic pile of circuits that will be obsolete in a week. Buy your dad a few beers, sit and talk with him for a couple hours. It will be infinitely more memorable than that torque wrench that he'll use twice a year. Sure, buy your kids a few fun things...but make sure they know WHY they are getting them. Not because some fat ass who runs a sweatshop in the arctic thinks they're "nice."  My rule of thumb for gift giving for adults is this- ask yourself, "Would it be a good gift after the zombie apocalypse?"

Plumber racing 7 for the latest next-gen video game system?

Nope. Zed would eat you quicker than your labored breathing ass can say "wi-fi."

Two hours at the shooting range with your dad who you see twice a year?

You've just improved your relationship with pops, while at the same time securing your place in a world that is ruled by the undead.

My next topic is this- who is the pretentious jerk off that decided "Merry Christmas" is inappropriate? If someone wants to wish you good fortune, in whatever fashion it may be, is something that doesn't happen nearly enough. If someone wishes you a "happy birthday" if you were cloned in a lab, would you get all salty with them and tell them to fuck off? No, you'd say thank you, and be happy about it, even if you are an abomination of science and nature that lacks a soul.

So if someone wishes you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukkah, or Radical Ramadan...and you get offended by it because that doesn't happen to line up with whichever invisible man you pray to, then fuck directly off. You aren't deserving of the kind nature and well wishes a stranger went out of their way to bestow upon you.

With Christmas just one short week away, make sure you take the time to appreciate the people in your life. If you're like me, and Jesus is more of a "Really cool hippie who helped a lot of people with no concern for self" rather than a personal savior...then Christmas really isn't about religion. It's about showing your Family, Friends, and various other characters that bring a little light into your life that you actually care.

Take care Townies, and I'll check back in after this holiday turned zoo is over.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


It doesn't happen much this time of year, so you have to make it yourself.

What's up world... Been a few weeks since my last blog entry, so I thought I'd update everyone on what's happening in the world of Townies.

First, Townies Got accepted to This is huge. For those of you that don't know, Kickstarter is a website that helps independent creative projects raise funding for what they need. In my case, that would be printing funds, advertising, art supplies, and hardware. They help fund pretty much any type of creative projects, from music to art, so if you have a project that may need some funding, check them out.

Second, I'm on the tail end of finishing up a project I started a few years ago, called Kozmik. I did the Pencils, digi-inks, and colors for the first 40 pages back in '07, and I got hired a few months back to complete the pencils for the rest of the book. Hopefully You'll be able to pick it up sometime next year.

Third, The Projects at Ravenhammer Comics I've been working on for the past couple years are on indefinite hiatus, For me anyway. Due to various legal reasons and creative differences, My partner and I have decided to part ways, and pursue our own projects. I'm imagining he'll continue with Lucius Hammer, so for all of you Hammerheads out there, fear not, the show goes on.

For me however, I've decided to take the workload on my own shoulders, and write and draw my own material.

Anyway folks, That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Unfortunately, there is no new art to go along with this post, so here's a little ditty that picks me up when things get grey.